The Jesus wrote...
Azuran wrote...
A job? What's that?
Since this douche bag beat me to what I wanted to say, I guess I'll answer seriously. The first job I ever had that lasted more than a day was selling drugs. Although, when I was 15 I worked on an ice cream truck for a day. I really can't say that was a job though, my brother was the one who was working, but they were working at a polo match or something one day and, I don't remember why or how, me and my mom got roped into coming with them. There were a lot of customers and the driver told me he'd pay me if I helped out for the day. I did, but I wanted to kill myself after 10 minutes.
I don't think selling drugs counts for this question. I mean, sure, pushin' and pimpin' ain't easy, but it's a lot more...liberal than most jobs.
HeroDuke wrote...
Never had a job. I'm waiting until after university so I won't have to wear a paper hat.
I never went to university, and I've also never had a job wearing a paper hat. Although every job I ever had required I wear a hat, they were all cloth.
I occasionally did work for my dad when I was young for extra cash, but my first real job was at McDonalds when I was 15.