Damn why did I sleep when I could have been involved in this mini-shitstorm.
Jules wrote...
penelopesays wrote...
Jules wrote...
I hate
PETA, most vegetarians and teenage girls.
Might I suggest not making such sweeping generalizations in the future? I'm a vegan for health purposes (and a teenage girl), and now I hate you, simply because you hate me.
Okay, I hate most of PETA, a LOT of vegetarians and and the average, materialistic, vapid and shallow teenage girl. I know plenty of vegans/vegetarians, and they're good people, but the 'militant vegans' that seem to make up PETA are the ones I don't like. Also, if you're on this website, you're probably not the average teenage girl.
On the basis you haven't
actually met most of PETA, it's hard to take that seriously. You know plenty of vegans/vegetarians and they're good people (they must be
so happy, being approved of by you like that) but it's the militant ones you hate? So isn't it "militant" people you hate rather than vegetarians? Same logic for the "teenage girl" comment; you seem to hate people for being "materialistic", "vapid" and "shallow" - qualities that most people hate so you
really don't need to point it out - rather than for being "teenage" and "female".
So basically your whole post was "I don't like militant, vapid, shallow, materialistic people". I bet you also don't like being shot or set on fire, amirite?