Joe-kun wrote...
I hate to say this, but an older guy winning is really no surprise. I have a friend who enters Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments and the same rules apply - If you want a deck that gives you even a remote chance of going somewhere, you have to spend practically HUNDREDS of dollars getting the right cards. He has like 3+ of every tin box set that's come out, just because he needs the cards for his deck. He also buys card packs by the BOX. Like the whole fucking display box you'd see at a toy store counter - He buys them online. He also buys individual cards on eBay (Like $15 for one fucking card,) just for deck use. It's sad that all the money goes into a "children's" card game.
Sure, people could look at that guy and think bad things about him, but I wonder how fucking loaded the parents of those kids are. Pokemon is technically for children, but not in terms of money.
Yeah, all the "adults" (for lack of a better word) were like that when I played Pokemon. But they had the money to spend, so whatever.
Something similar happened in high school, with Magic: The Gathering. People would go to the store and, instead of buying boxes, would buy individual cards, but they'd spend the same amount of money. It was crazy, seeing a person with a book of cards that cost him over $100.