g-money wrote...
I don't consider it death because it isn't "life". Also, we don't kill "poor" human beings because they're already in existence - BIG difference.
I see none as long as they are going to become human than it should be considered human.
g-money wrote...
You also bring up the "money doesn't make you happy" - another ethical argument that doesn't hold water in reality - depending on where you live (which is mostly everywhere), without money, you can't survive. You can't pay the bills for gas, electric, phone, internet, TV, car insurance, house insurance, medical insurance, water, food, property tax, clothes, books, wares, etc. Until you make your own money, don't be belittling the importance of money. It won't buy happiness, but it'll insure your survival which always comes first.
I do make my own money I pay for a lot of things (not everything like summer I stay in my parents’ house, but I don’t have to it’s a choice of it’s the smart thing to do to save money). I’m not saying money isn’t important, but you don’t need it to live a good life. You make it sound like without money their lives would be meaningless. Are you saying that all poor people are miserable, and have to stay that way? People make their own lives it’s a matter of your choice and a little luck.
g-money wrote...
So unborn life takes priority over established life? So if women got raped and got pregnant from that, they must give birth to a child that wasn't even hers to begin with? Or is that the only exception? Or if a women's health is deteriorating due to the pregnancy, we should sacrifice the mother for the baby, who could also potentially die? And what about cases where the couples ARE praciting safe sex and still get pregnant? (Obviously abstinence is the only 100% way to be sure.) Should they be condemned to support a child that they aren't mentally and physically not ready for? You're basically saying that there should be no abortions, no exception, which screams BS to me.
Really and I was answering you the 2nd time I posted this.
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
Now if the mother is going to die unless you abort due to some health problem that’s different, then I say the mother should be saved.
If it is rape there should be some sort of institution to help the rape victim, but the life takes priority over the problems a birth can present. “Safe sex” is not always safe if a couple doesn’t want any chance of a child no sex is the only option. You have sex you should have to take the responsibility of that child.
g-money wrote...
And since when did the government had the right to force its citizens to give up their rights under no external pressure? Telling that women cannot abort is equivalent to violating the Bill of Rights, our pursuit of happiness. Something that doesn't have a voice and not even a single inkling about what's going on outside shouldn't be given priority over something that can.
It can for the same reason that we don’t allow people to kill their baby, or child, or another person. It’s not about the “pursuit of happiness” it’s about “life” there’s a reason it come first. A child isn’t the end of the world for that person their life goes on they can still be happy. The child though has no chance at all if aborted.