ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Arizth wrote...
Let me say this first, so I don't mention it later:
Child support is bullshit. It ruins men's lives, and people don't give a shit, because everyone is too busy trying to "help" the female.
You must understand the logic of repeat offenders before you can judge them. If I had spent time in jail for a misdemeanor, I would not want to go home to a wife. and a child would make it harder. Gods knows what kind of shit the wife would start.
I'd like to point out it takes 2 to tango, and if you're willing to stick your dick in without any protection that basically means you're responsible for anything that happens afterwards. Any idea how expensive a child is?
I think that's pretty disgusting you would say something like that as if psh. The female just has another life on her hands, it ruins my life. Whatever. I could be a bitch and list all the expenses but I don't think you'd really care so I'm not going to waste my time. But if you're in that situation you put yourself there and if you can't be there for the baby, then you shouldn't be able to just walk away scott free either.
Yes, yes. I know the argument. I've heard it often enough. I have a fairly controversial view of women in general, so my opinion in issues like this, where the woman is placed at the forefront, tends to be biased.
That said, *deep breath*,
You must understand that most children come to people who want them. People who are kinda ready for them. People ready to invest time and money into their seed.
However, a "getting a call from the hospital telling you that you must now pool your finances into a child you had no idea even existed" is NOT something a man will cheer at.
Firstly, while a woman may have another life to take care of, I'd like to make a small reminder of the availability of abortion in most civilized countries. If she really didn't want it, it wouldn't have been born.
After that, people always place the "Woman's troubles" on a pedestal, and it infuriates me. I'd like you to consider that, while the woman is taking care of a child it seems that she actually wanted, she has the gall to say "Hey, your kid. Pay up" like it's some sort of macabre subscription service.
It's as if the world has this view that all men who have bastard children live in a luxurious mansion, and have money to throw to the winds while they wipe their ass with gold plated 100s. Men do not. If we did, I'd take no issue.
Am I being offensive yet? I'm hoping not, but that's my view.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Arizth wrote...
People have circumstances. Maybe some of these repeats were mad. Others might be poor/homeless, so Jail would be preferable to the street. There are all sorts of ciircumstances, and without knowing them all, you cannot judge them.
I met his wife actually, she picked him up from work one day. Their child is adorable and reminds me a lot of my great niece (My Nieces and Nephews are older than I am. Weird family). So unless, shes the type to put up a front in public. I blame him because I sat and discussed all manner of subjects with the man from Politics to good ol'e fashion beer.
And some people have psychological issues that being locked up in a small room with iron bars will not solve.
Or maybe the guy is just an asshole. I've not met him, So I can't judge.
Shutting up now.