cruz737 wrote...
Science isn't based on "belief" in the same way religion is.
So are you saying science is based on "belief"?
cruz737 wrote...
No lie, that's just retarded dude.
How would you know if I am a person and not a computer. I am sure you believe I am a human sitting behind his computer typing, right? But, am I really a human? I might be an alien in another planet communicating with you, right? You believe I am a human but you don't know if I am an human.
@ Stenta
"You have senses. But in order to prove that your senses exist, you need to observe them... using your senses."
Have you ever had a nightmare before? The screams seem real doesn't it? Everything looks and feels real doesn't it? But, are you in reality? Have you ever had one of those dreams where you were falling to your death and it felt so real that you woke up thinking you have already fell to your death? What if life is but a dream? our senses themselves are questionable. We cannot prove we see what we see. We cannot prove we hear what we hear. We cannot prove we smell what we smell. This is because every sense you have exists in it's own world. A blind man lives in a different world than a person who is deaf. But then again, that is what I believe. It is scientifically proven that our brain has the capability of changing our senses to make things fit. Then again, that is what I believe, not what I know. If you clap your hands, how do you know your brain isn't creating a sound to fit what your eyes see. Or maybe the sound coming from you hands is making your brain create something to fit it. Does what exist really exist or is your mind creating it. This could all be a dream. A world your brain has created and you really are in a coma. If you pee in your dreams, you will pee in real life. Why is that? Even though your eyes do not see a bathroom, your nose doesn't smell a bathroom, your ears don't hear sounds from the bathroom, and it doesn't feel like a bathroom. Yet it feels like a bathroom, it smells like a bathroom and feels like a bathroom. You pee thinking you are in a bathroom even though none of your senses can confirm you are in the bathroom.
When you have first hands experience to something, you are claiming that is your reality. You are claiming that is what is real. You have made it real. Just like you accept what exist in your nightmare is real when you are dreaming.