softbanker wrote...
Sprite wrote...
Mrprinnybomb wrote...
softbanker wrote...
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
softbanker wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
softbanker wrote...
It isn't normal so it isn't fine.
So how about you justify your stance champ.
A male has penis its for penetrating a vagina so that it can perfectly implant a sperm which is to reproduce, that is the normal way to use it and yeah just in case for some smartass its also used for peeing. The vagina is perfectly designed for the penis to be penetrated and also for peeing and giving birth.
You see using things they are not NATURALLY designed for can't be called normal. Will you say its normal if a man is breast feeding or being pregnant? Or using a frying pan as a fan? Or using a shovel as a spoon?
Dude, you're comparing "unnatural" with the impossible.
Dumbass shit let me put a more and simple example so that you would understand;
Using things out of their normal function can't be considered normal. Is it normal for a man to be married with another man? No of course it isn't normal how the hell would they reproduce? Oh yeah adopt a child, would that child's life would be normal? No, How would having 2 Dads makes a normal family? Its the word NORMAL dumbass that whats I'm only pointing out. I have nothing against 'em marrying each other, they can do what ever the hell they want and they can burn to hell together for all eternity. And also to the dude who said something about Oral, Mouth has many function, eating, talking, breathing and you can even hurt or kill people with just using your mouth so giving pleasure with one's mouth is also one of it multiple functions.. Wanna know more about many other function of your mouth?
Since Fiery Penguin is not here I will sub for a little. Your concept of what is normal is disturbing. Just because something seems odd to you it is automatically wrong? It is because people choose to find new ways of doing things that humanity has the ability to progress and improve itself. I might also ask why you are so offended by the thought of gay marriage. It does no harm to anyone if these people are allowed to be together and be treated just like any other married couple. Some just will not let their bias go and let people live their lives.
Adding on, everyone in the world is unique, therefore everyone is strange/queer, so basically it is normal to be strange. Which means that gay people are still normal.
Another dumbass. A man who loves and craves for some hot sex with a hot chicks is NORMAL. A man who craves for a wang that he himself already has is NOT normal. If gays and lesbians are normal then why ALL religions and most countries condemns same sex marriage? Its because it isn't NORMAL. I am not offended with any business regarding gays and lesbians, I'm just saying that it isn't NORMAL.
Ok, I understand what you mean by normal, softbanker, and that's fine. I also did read and internalize the part about you being fine with gay marriage and all. So this isn't an angry post about how you need to be burnt on the stake or anything lol. But I'd like to point out something though. Human sexuality, for the most part, isn't normal, even when it's straight. It's been many generations since we've stopped having sex to reproduce. Often times, sex is for other things, whether it's love, pleasure, power, money, etc. Having a child is becoming less and less part of the equation. Therefore, if sex is no longer about reproduction, the purpose of reproductive organs has very little to do with sex, no? Not that this is a normal behaviour, agreed. but humanity has chosen to redefine sex for itself, as abnormal as it is.
as for the religious argument, religion rarely promotes marriage for reasons of love. usually, it's for other purposes. it gets boiled down to being about reproduction and male supremacy, for the most part. now why would a religion promote reproduction so much? It's a lot easier to teach religion to a child then it is to convert a non believer, and there is strength in numbers. I don't think that at the root of the issue religion is in it for what's "normal". I think they're in it for power. The generality of religions, at least of abrahamic descent (jewish, christian, muslim, jehovah, etc.) all aim for the same thing. world domination. whether it's about saving our souls or not, that's what they want.
anyways, I just wanted to get my point out, but I feel this argument is one of those "lets agree to disagree" type things and I probably offended a few people with the religion comment. I'm getting ready to be called "another dumbass" XD
oh, little known fact, men can breastfeed. there have been human cases reported worldwide, and there are a few species of animals where this is the norm. There is a reason why we still have our mammary glands intact, even if they're inactive. perhaps not normal for us, but it IS it's natural function. to do so wouldn't be going against nature, it'd just be going against social constructs.
oh, and JELR39, some species of animals have more than two sexual "morphs", genders if you will. there are many that have only one gender (asexual). Your god created these too, no?
not that i mean to suggest the arguments both of you are presenting are one and the same at all, I realise your points of view are different, I just find it redundant to reply twice to this post.
to add to my final point: