Loli is cp under certain contents and countries. Virtual child porn( which loli manga and hentai is) was illegal in the us from 98-02. That law was oveturn on a first amendment violation and replace with a law that still list loli has illegal under miller vs california.. if it passes the miller test then it not legal nor illegal to have or trade, but sell in a open market is still debatable. Pretty much if it non realistic then it in that gray area with extreme bondage and peudo snuff.
This is just my states law.. you have to see what your area does.
penal code 311
"Matter" means any book, magazine, newspaper, or other printed
or written material, or any picture, drawing, photograph, motion
picture, or other pictorial representation, or any statue or other
figure, or any recording, transcription, or mechanical, chemical, or
electrical reproduction, or any other article, equipment, machine, or
material. "Matter" also means live or recorded telephone messages if
transmitted, disseminated, or distributed as part of a commercial
This what's can gray the area or save you from ass rape in prison
In prosecutions under this chapter, if circumstances of
production, presentation, sale, dissemination, distribution, or
publicity indicate that matter is being commercially exploited by the
defendant for the sake of its prurient appeal, this evidence is
probative with respect to the nature of the matter and may justify
the conclusion that the matter lacks serious literary, artistic,
political, or scientific value.