hmmm, interesting way to look at things.
Vio wrote...
you can't decide your sexuality
sorry lass, but it is the main point where your thoughts start to deviate.
Vio wrote...
major personality changes {due to} traumatic incidents/massive outside pressure
the thing is people can learn to understand these things and endure/settle them, without giving in.
Vio wrote...
repression of homosexual feelings or cause them to appear, or to be fully realized.
ah, this sounds just like
repressing my desire to fap But ya're confusing fap with fetish - confusing your "desire to rub your dick/pussy and have an orgasm" with "in what manner/circumstance/place/with whom to rub it" - confusing your physical senses with mental desires.
You are repressing your urge to Fuck (no matter in what manner). And you have attained certainty in your penchant (gay/etc), manner of arousal (fetish) in which ya achieve orgasm. But people tend to change their preferences. it doesn't mean they start hating their previous fetishes, no. They just don't seem to be satisfied with em anymore and start experimenting other ways. It is not like you are a
constant gay, lesbian, or something. And here's the biggest
mis take they make -
- They think they have realized their "true" selves. FUCK THAT. Why don't gays start fucking chicks? Because of some mental experience? It sounds just like "why do people hate spiders or deep water?" Because of some mental experience. well, it's just a delusion. I almost drowned once and was overrun by spiders but i do not suffer from it, still i drink water and walk over em.
All children from birth tend to mother's tits, not father's. So experience is what makes you gay. But you know that Experience is a great thing and you can change your mindset (hence understanding, sufferings, desires, aspirations, sexual preferences and etc.) from one state to another due to it. When you were ten you liked one things. When you are thirty
you changed your passions.
Vio wrote...
My point is, you don't wake up and say, "I'm going to make out with boys today!" and then decide you're straight the next day. People can't choose who they fall in love with -- I think for almost every person, there has been a time in their life where they have fallen for the wrong person. Straight, gay, or bi. In middle school, I had a thing for Star Jock Boy, while I was a little nerdy girl who wrote stories in the corner. That obviously wasn't going to lead to anything, and it would have been far better if I had fallen for a boy of the same social status. I didn't choose to like him, and I couldn't stop myself.
this paragraph is about your
singlesided experience. But it is not the end of your knowledge income, is it? Read some wisdom books and see through your desires or something.
"fall in love"? family members love each other, sisters love sisters, brothers love brothers. Friends feel affection. And it all goes without sexual desire. But if you are speaking of
romantic relationship - then sexual desire is one of the main elements here. That's why it is called straight, gay, bi, etc.
Vio wrote...
This is the case for many gay people.
They hate themselves for being gay, strongly wish to become straight, force themselves into having heterosexual sex or abstaining from gay sex, but in the end: they're gay. They didn't choose it. They can't change it, can't completely erase their feelings. The most they can do is suppress them.
Now, the bold text is bullshit. If they want to fuck each other then they are only being ashamed of their pervert side infront of others. If a man feels affaction for another man it doesn't mean they have to have sex. BROS. RESPECT. CARE. DEVOUTION. not all goes to sex.
and the other unbold half looks like an excuse. If ya didn't understand it - read this again.
Tsuruya wrote...
Don't give me the "penis in vagina" routine either. That doesn't mean that other sexual preferences aren't normal.
You know that at first society was lead by natural ways of breeding.
And the term "
normal" is for what is considered acceptable for the majority of humankind. So normal means usual for majority. Only in the last century people started gaining variety in thinking and doings.