Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Normally, I don't care when a girl is on the rag. Sometimes I sympathize when the pain sets in. Its usually not a topic I discuss very often with anyone.
Though most of the women I know turn into this when they PMS
I just get the fuck away from them until they are done.
OMG, that made me laugh so hard. xD I was not expecting that.
And also, when a girl's on a period, if I EVER have sex with her on her period(1 in every 30 or something) I do it in the shower. I don't need any more blood on my sheets than what I already put there from seeing how much it hurts with a knife to the knee.(trust me, it hurts)
Otherwise, I stay awaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy, as many woman become very very bitchy during that time.
EDIT: by the way, my mom gave me my "talk" at 13 years old(a little late MOM). Oh jeez, that was... awkward. Luckily, all she said was some along the lines of
1. Not when I'm around to hear it
2. Clean up the blood and semen
3. Wear a condom
4. No anal
5. You can do it with whoever you like, as long as they can't find you after, or you're actually dating them.
xD I don't listen to 4 of course, and 5 was my favorite rule.