Golden_Lightning wrote...
I consider myself to be very open and calm, always to reason and quickly solving problems so that I can have my calm peaceful day. However that changes quickly when I see how people succumb themselves to do stupid actions or even talk about stuff that doesn't make sense. I come from a family like that, they always talk about the past and get in each others business and even talk about others behind their backs, which pisses me off so much that I explode because stupidity really does hurt me. Also the fact that they are destroying themselves because of this senseless problem that they have created for themselves, it's kinda like suicide in a way, they are hurting themselves and in the end they will be destroyed by it, and that really boils me up.
I also cannot stand the fact that even though people older than me are supposed to be smart and wise, in front of my eyes they are anything but that, which in return fires me up so much because of their behavior which destroys my actual beliefs of what an elder supposed to be. So there isn't anything that pisses me off in the world other than that specific problem, which lies directly in the family, but then again that is a demon who isn't easy to fight.
I am not sure if what I wrote makes sense in this topic, however if it doesn't then feel free to correct me.
I can understand that completely, as a matter of fact. It is by no means misplaced here. My attitude towards the willingly unintelligent and people who scorn actually becoming a little wiser invoke this particular image I'm about to link.
Fitting, isn't it?