Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
Ok so what I get from this is it's ok to just assume all men/women are straight because thats
"normal" and gay people are out of the ordinary.
Gays are the minority while straights are the majority. It is not unreasonable to assume that when speaking with someone that they are straight, it's just the safer bet. When you are taking a guess at anything you don't know don't you assume the most common answer?
Thank you! That was the first thing I was going to say.
Homosexuals make up, like, 5% of the population. It's possibly the smallest minority ever.
Plus, this is FAKKU! Not a lot of gay guys on Fakku, because that isn't really the demographic on this site. It's not discrimination; it's just the way it is. Jacob, Raze, and Nikon aren't gay or women, so they don't like looking at balls touching. When they made the site, they made it for people like them, the majority of the hentai fans on the internet, who are straight males. It's not odd to think that 99% of the users of Fakku are either straight males or gay females, with the other 1% being the people who just like to chat on the forums or whatever. (I'm not bringing up bisexuality because that'd make talking about percentages completely impossible.)
When a person on Fakku says, "I'm not gay (obviously)," the person is most likely referring to the fact that gay guys probably wouldn't like anything on Fakku.
Anyways, about hating groups, I'm with Arizth and Fpod, for the most part. I don't care what anyone says, I have never, ever, met a hardcore Feminist (or, FemiNazi) that I didn't hate and who didn't deserve to be shot into the sun. Those bitches are
Also, serial killers and child molesters. I think those are two groups we all have a right to hate.