Is it okay for a girl to be perverted?

If they weren't, a lot of things would be no fun. Like teasing them. If you tease a guy about perverted things, he will just agree with you except he thinks you're sick, so I tease girls (yea, I'm a big bad bully).

More seriously though, I think it would cause problems to the entire mankind if they weren't. Would you really do something like that if it didn't feel good ? Remember, there was a time even you were disgusted by that, kids are not stupid, they just can't understand how good it feels and their hormones still haven't kicked in telling them how sweet it is to have sex and such.
Of course.Nothing wrong with that.
I think that should be okay, I do have a lot of female friends that are perverted.
as long as they can control it, that should be fine.
you don't want to be a parent at such an early age, do you?.
bobing wrote...
I think that should be okay, I do have a lot of female friends that are perverted.
as long as they can control it, that should be fine.
you don't want to be a parent at such an early age, do you?.

Exactly. Or they can be perverted, just with heavy precautions/protection.

C'est la vie.
I'd say that its more okay now then ever, for a woman to be perverted. I myself, feel like I am fairly perverted, and I haven't really found anyone who treats me differently because of it. Now its not like I bring up that I draw porn at work or anything, but it honestly seems like guys like it when a girls perverted. Though I don't really know how other chicks feel about it, but I've never been called a slut because of my perversion.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I watched TSF Monogatari, and while I am aware the main girl was a guy at one point, I couldn't help but get disgusted by how slutty she was. Times have changed, so its cool for a girl to be perverted (I'd be a happy man if I had a perverted girl), but I can't tolerate whores regardless of gender.

I feel sorry for the women who are ashamed of their sexual desires due to social norms, and feel they have to suppress them in order to "fit in". Hell, I get picked on by my dad for not expressing my sexuality enough, lol.
As long as she isn't as perverted as me.
Loner the People's Senpai
I'd say as long as it didn't become overwhelming. Constant double entendres or dirty jokes at inappropriate times would get very annoying after awhile. I wouldn't want a girl that was so perverted that she was incapable of being a faithful partner either. And yes, both those standards should be held to men as well.

Being a pervert myself though, I'd prefer a pervert girl. I hate girls that get offended at dirty jokes or think they're too saintly to have sex.
If women got paid $ 1,000,000 dollars to be sick then they would all do it.
The problem is that it takes a lot of work to be sick when she is thinking like a man.
I am most pro pervy ladies. My wife is quite nasty and glorious.
It depends, is she just perverted with her boyfriend/girlfriend or is she like that with everyone?
Really it's just that in society women get the short end of the stick, and not just when it comes to being a freak or not. For a long time now the world has seen women as ladies who are pure and clean. I don't think it matters whether you're a man or a woman.
To be a pervert is to be human. No human can escape that even god can produce child
Everybody's a pervert one time in their life, so it's actually normal. Girls can be perverted too, actually. People always think guys are though, which is false.
Simply being born with functioning genitalia usually means that at some point, intercourse or sexual desire will occur.

That's... usually the norm.

Nothing wrong. Social standards are constrictive. People are judgmental.
Of course women can be perverted to a point. I mean did anyone see that monogatari hentai...that was the point...
zeroniv_legend wrote...
Those self-claimed "normal" people says it's bad, but I don't see why not? Horny women are tasty in bed (just like mah girl).

You mean 'girls'.
Sadly many people see perverted girls as sluts or whores because of their undying pleasure from having sex.

However that is not the case.

Girls who are perverted are much different than sluts or whores.

Perverted girls are like girls who enjoy porn, hentai, and acts all "pervy" around their peers.

Sluts ( Dangerous ) are girls who enjoy having sex without money, drugs or anything, just for the pleasure of it.

Whores are girls who are willing to have sex for the sake of making ends meet with money.

Separate these 3 categories and you will know, that perverted girls are MUCH more different than the other 2.

I had a girl and we were BEST FRIENDS, she was perverted but she wasn't a slut. She always makes sexual remarks as a joke and we even watched porn together, and she sometimes joke about her getting all warm, man were those fun times.
( Perverted girls are much more faithful to their partners because they can express their feelings thus not building any tension in themselves )
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
Sadly many people see perverted girls as sluts or whores because of their undying pleasure from having sex.

However that is not the case.

Girls who are perverted are much different than sluts or whores.

Perverted girls are like girls who enjoy porn, hentai, and acts all "pervy" around their peers.

Sluts ( Dangerous ) are girls who enjoy having sex without money, drugs or anything, just for the pleasure of it.

Whores are girls who are willing to have sex for the sake of making ends meet with money.

Separate these 3 categories and you will know, that perverted girls are MUCH more different than the other 2.

I had a girl and we were BEST FRIENDS, she was perverted but she wasn't a slut. She always makes sexual remarks as a joke and we even watched porn together, and she sometimes joke about her getting all warm, man were those fun times.
( Perverted girls are much more faithful to their partners because they can express their feelings thus not building any tension in themselves )

Pretty much man, your remarks fit the exact point of this thread :)
Monster Girl
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