Honestly the politics around even asking this question these days are pretty extreme on either end of the spectrum, but in my personal opinion, you cannot kill what is already dead, and if we look at life as a journey with death as the destination, killing a fetus or two isn't going to give them any difference in their own personal end result: They'll die regardless of whether they're aborted or murdered while alive. The worst part about being alive for some time before you die is that you get to suffer psychologically, and possibly physically, before you die.
As to whether I personally think it's murder to kill an unborn fetus? The "good" Christian in me wants to say yes, but that is a lot of political theatre unfortunately, especially since it doesn't specify exactly when "conception" occurs in detail in the bible. And yes I mean in the old and new testament and not any extra books that others wrote afterward.
Of course, some would argue that having faith in any kind of higher power is silly. I won't say they're wrong, only that I personally don't know the answer to that life question and so I choose to make life choices that maximize my personal quality of life, especially since I live in a pretty religious backwater town and trying to blend and keep a peaceful environment in any kind of community where you don't share religious/political beliefs (at least publicly) with the people you have to interact with on a regular basis tends to not work too well these days...
These life lessons brought to you from a man who learned the hard way that life isn't fair and no one owes you or me anything.
I suffered for my actions, now hopefully most of you won't have to suffer for the same actions I took when I was young and dumb.
If anyone is interested in hearing a bit more details about my life and the way I've handled it, let me know. It's not anything too spectacular, just stuff I consider pretty basic by most peoples' standards. But at the same time... common sense is a modern day superpower, and having a long attention span like mine (especially as millenials, zoomers, or these kids that aren't even teenagers yet) is a more literal superpower as you're able to be much more productive.
I think a lot of my attention span has come from being forced to learn... a LOT of patience. Being in prison for 70 months will do that to you. Although I don't recommend going to prison to learn patience, as if you don't use the time in county jail as boot camp to get in shape, you're highly likely to become a victim. Seen it happen to others many times, thankfully I took working out in county jail while waiting for my final plea hearing seriously.
I was about 260lbs (mostly fat) when I got arrested, in the nine months I went through continuances as my lawyer worked on the details of the plea deal with the D.A. I got down to 180lbs and could do 20 pull ups, 25 chin ups, 15 ranger push-ups (if you know what those are, you know. But to explain in the simplest way possible---upside down push-ups doing a handstand against the wall, which engages your muscles a lot more because you're pushing up almost 100% of your body weight each rep), navy seal push-ups (yes we were almost FORCED to do those in my little workout group, since people had argued (and rightly so) that it was really good cardio and strength training in one workout).
Anyway, it also helps if you've fought a lot of fights in your life and know your way around a scrap. If you're not scrappy or don't fight often, it's probably a bad idea to go to prison or commit crimes. But if you're an MMA fighter like I used to be (even an amateur like I was) you could pull it off. Maybe. If you don't piss off the wrong groups of people...
Honestly, just don't do things that are illegal.
If you can avoid doing so ever, it's a win-win for you. Of course, life isn't that easy, and a lot of crimes are committed out of ignorance, so I recommend to any intelligent enough and with a long enough attention span to have made it this far into my story to look up and learn your local, state, and federal laws pertaining to anything you normally do throughout the year. That way, if you've been breaking the law in ignorance, at least now you'll be able to correct said behavior (or if you're a smart criminal you'll be able to hide your illegal activities better, I guess, though I don't personally condone or recommend this)
Also, don't be like me and hit random strangers at the mall with a metal flagpole. Just don't be a violent person outside of a fighting ring in general. It tends to get you into prison fairly quickly.