It's an interesting topic for me because of fairly recent events in the life of an older freind of mine.
A friend of hers in her mid 60's recently committed suicide, it was abrupt after a new doctor of hers told her her pain was in her head and she could get over it, she killed herself before talking to anyone.
She had several fused vertibre causing her cronic pain, and it had been confirmed in the past, the doctor was clearly wrong. She had no family, her husband had died of cancer a decade ago and her first husband had died long before that and she was estranged from her daughter. Finally her sight was fading and she was facing blindness in the near future.
She had a really, really bleak situation. She had freinds and they had stopped her before several times.
It's hard for me to say that her solution was illegitimate though, given her situation there really was very little hope of improvement, and a lot of chance of things getting worse.
I don't know. I don't like it but I have a hard time condemning what she did...
OTOH I know of a father of a fair sized family that did it recently, no mater how bad his life was he had every obligation to go on to take care of his family. And while I know a lot of teens have really, really bad situations I'd say it's never an option there because they have many, many chances and years to change the circumstances of their life.
Silence of the Yanderes wrote...
Thus, I would feel that while it is a cowardly option in terms of emotions, it takes an awful amount of
physical courage to actually do the act (I don't think I would be able to even if I wanted to).
I think this is really well said, and it is an interesting line you drew there.