SolidShark wrote...
Is there a right and wrong?
While helping others cross the street doesn't give us any gain, we ensure that another of our own species stays alive longer. Is that not then right? If in cavemen times, you might have gained something by a rival/stranger dying, loot his corpse, steal his spouse and children. We aren't in those times. We gain more by helping others stay alive, than letting them drop dead.
Make a list in your mind of right and wrongs, write them on paper if you want to know more about yourself. Then ask yourself why you consider these ethics valid or not. Make conditions and exceptions. A personal reason? Selfish or self-less motive? Would that change your perspective? No? You're satisfied? Carry on happily and stay open to hear what other beliefs and ethics might have to add up to your own.
What if right and wrong were opposites?
Well, then we will go to Hell anyway (or just die and rot). At least we had the satisfaction of believing in what we wanted.
But just because we Gain from them makes them a right or wrong situation? I mean of course if we gain, we have obtained more than we we already have. But who's to say helping other across the street doesn't give us any gain? What if that man decides to give us a check for $50,000 for helping him? So when you expect to gain something and when not to gain something it may be switched around then what you first thought it would be.
We Gain Knowledge everyday. May not come to your attention at first but we do. When you wake up the next morning. You have Gained the knowledge that you have lived another day. When you drink or eat some Food. You have Gained The Knowledge that nutrients has been put into your body. That's knowledge and those are memories building up. We gain things everyday, just probably not the things that we would want or hope to expect. But we do, it just isn't seen at first and when I say "Seen" I don't mean with the Eyes. I mean with the mind.
For another thing. I already have my own mind state of what I think is right and what I think is wrong. I wouldn't know how to explain it without being VERY specific.
Check it: If I want to help someone. It's what I want to help someone With, and my own Intentions. I can't just say "I want to help someone be good" Or "I want to help to be good" Because we don't know what good is. Now lets break "good" down. I can't break "good" down in a perspective that everyone can relate too. So good remains Unknown
So now. If there is possibly a good, is the good way the right way? Now you mentioned early about Gain and how we would ensure that our own species stays alive because we gain more by working together. Not killing each other, like how it was in cavemen times.
Now people still Gain from killing and looting. They're still criminals out there Today who do it. Not much has changed since those times to be honest. We still have people who look into dead corpses for money so they can buy Drugs, or just Buy anything. Also, who says we aren't still in cavemen times? We just obtained more knowledge on how to do things and how to stay alive and build Empires and Cites and even have the Power to travel to another planet. But we still have a set of Ignorance and some people abuse what we have for their own needs. For example. We are using something called "Internet" for me to post this message and for you to reply. This "Internet" runs through a Company that provides it for you to do this thing. Now what does the company rely on? Electricity, if there was no electricity life as we know it would change drastically. We would have No lamps. No Cell phones to call people. No Street Lights for when it becomes Dark.
Now if this were to happen. More people would start killing each other and robbing each other because the Criminals would have more of an advantage. Now Would That Become The Right way? You see? Now no one would be helping anymore only a few set of people. Others would be trying to kill and take, to Gain more equipment and products for themselves. We would basically go back in those cavemen times. Now of course this is just my theory. I don't know what would happen if that even Were to occur. But what I do know is that if there were an outbreak of some that we use to today as casual. It would not be the same. We may gain by helping or we may Gain my Not. It's basically all on the person and his strategy on how to survive. We probably would do things differently if that were to happen Who knows.
But in overall. My opinion of course which I do believe to be a Fact. Gain is just things that we obtain. We can use them to our advantage or to our disadvantage. All depending on what the person decides to do.
EDIT: Also, I hope I made my point clear.