Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
I don't think you need "maturity" to look at hentai. It's just pr0n, and everyone uses it for the same purpose.
I'm not saying this should be on national tv or anything, but it shouldn't be deprived of us either or out of our reach (wich is what seems the government is trying to do).
Intrestin' idea of mindset. I find myself ingraved in the subject "sexual arrousal" at "Eight" years old. Paid a dearly price in my early school the subject at hand they called me a freak. To be sexualy fruastrated at that age is hard bearing and not knowing anything about the changes and why my ...erhrm.... "penis" grew larger when I saw a cute girl etc. I was ridiclous aggresive aswell.
I find it needed for allowance for looking into Hentai/porn since it's only something you will experiance later. It's just dumbfounded to hide the crucial matter at hand.
True I have matured from that time it makes me "fourteen" now since it was six years ago. I was mostly confused and shit. I was embarrased for my family and keept it for myself and started to search the net on search tags for sexual matters. I'm fine now I understand what I couldn't I find myself contemptet. Just stupidity would keep the young one against something they will try to experiment with.
Bah I should do a own add on the forum about this topic at hand aswell.