gaztasterofpork wrote...
Unless you are a mom or have had to raise a young child you really shouldn't be flapping your lips.
"You may abuse a tragedy, though you cannot write one. You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you cannot make a table. It is not your trade to make tables."
gaztasterofpork wrote...
Every single aspect of that persons life changes when she DECIDES to Let you be born.
I fail to see the convincing part of this tired, dead-beat appeal to emotion. So a person decide they want a miniature issue of themselves as a pet-human. Big deal. You don't owe them anything for that. Didn't ask to be "let" born, not me.
gaztasterofpork wrote...
But after years of shitty ass, near death fall, bloody knees, broken teeth, broken bones tears, sweat and countless sleepless night for that person that you devoted so much of yourself to look at you with the same eyes and say "I hate you, god your so annoying I wish you just shut up and stay out of my life!". I'd beat the shit outta you. But that's just impulse. To many emotions want to rush to the surface: pain, grief, betray, hurt, revenge, angery, guilt, and fear. But it's just simpler to shutdown. I myself am guilty of the same. My mom bugs the heck outta me but I now know where it comes from.
Let's look at the other side:
The countless abusive, or simply terrible mothers; given o'er to hydroxyl compounds or simply wretched character, who
do beat the shit out of their offspring, or mistreat it otherwise, or simply don't give a shit, or most commonly just wanted a little human plaything to bend to their whim, which now is getting out of hand...
See what I did there? Appeals to emotion work both ways, and they're rarely sanitary, or helpful.