The big thing I'm getting at is that the US is already entrenched in a cold war, perhaps of an even larger scale than the last.
Or, at least, with more players against.
I cite China as a participant, beyond funding, because America doesn't have the teeth to get to it, diplomatically. The options boil down to:
-Subvert the Chinese government, induce a sufficient amount of suffering on the general populace, and form a puppet "revolt"
-Overt war with the flat---largest civilization of the modern age. Cause a WWII level of devastation, and neuter the government. Next thing you know, China will be run by middlemen, and it's primary exports will be robots and schoolgirl porn.
People talk about power shifts, new lands, and possibility. The thing is, investors forget core Machiavellian principles.
The object of being in power is staying in power.
This is, of course, assuming that the United States does intend to regain its status as the power centre of the world. Because, the fact of the matter is, we can't get out. The "grow, buy, and grow some more" ideal has failed, and the next alternative is forceful takeover.
But, I lack the moral organs to place my people above another. I would be perfectly content to maintain
The Republic of Cascadia