Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Blah blah. intelligence is over rated. blah blah.[/h]
almost didn't notice that down there :P
yeoldehag wrote...
By having personal philosopy isn't wrong or waste, unless the philosopy itself too rigid and close-minded.
^This. I agree absolutely.
Having a philosophy isn't at all wrong, if anything it can help us choose what is right or wrong according to what we believe in. Though if it's close-minded (for lack of a better word/s) or too rigid like Hag said, then it might cloud our judgement for the worse, my belief is that while having a philosophy and values can be good, you have to be able to adapt and perhaps change those philosophies to meet new challenges in the best possible way.
Anyway, enough of my midnight philosophical rambling, what do you guys think?
edit: Alright! 50th post! I think that makes about 40 posts in 2 days... don't know whether to be happy or worried...