Today, while browsing a newspaper, I came upon the "Woman to Women" column of this newspaper (No, I'm not female but the topic caught my interest).
It was about the "pornification" of society and the negative effects this has on the youth of the industrialized countries. The writer thinks that the fact that young people have their first contact with pornography much earlier and also much greater contact with it, is effecting their outlook on sexuality as a whole.
Many of them, so the author states, get a totally twisted view on sexually and take pornography as "truth" and consider a "pornographic" sex life as desirable.
First sex with 11, first gangbang with 14 and first self-recorded amateur porn with 16.
There is only sex, more sex and more twisted sex, the feeling of shame and yes, even love itself are secondary, if they even ever learned what "love" is.
Of course, she doesn't think that the sexual desensitization of the youth is to be welcomed, since it not only twists their sexual but also their social outlook on life.
I feel sorry for these seasoned teenagers. I do not want to swith with them. Although, they still got their whole life before them.
What does the fakkuza think of this matter?