Arizth wrote...
Why not both?
I, and I'm noticing a lot of other male members, are either expressively for this, or in support. On the other hand, Ziggy, the only female member to have replied, is rather against it.
OK, so that's an unfair demographic. Work with me here.
It seems to me that the female opinion falls into line with the "(Over)Protective Mother" ideology, where you stick your head in the sand about how life actually works, and get to work crafting some rosy colored glasses for your kids that invariably are knocked off by a punch, a differing set of genitals, or a strong breeze.
I don't think I'm being unrealistic and being an 'overbearing mom.' You're teaching
minors how to have sex. Care to explain to the government why today's lesson in class is the spread eagle?
Sites don't even legally allow minors to watch porn. They make it very explicit that you agree to be over the age of 18. Sure it's easy to put in a fake birth year, but they legally have their asses covered, and if you were caught for some reason - that's on you, not them.
Let's go with 'it's just an age, why should that matter?'
Kids in high school, hell most early adults aren't mature enough or capable of handling another child. There's consequences to sex, and if you promote it then you're giving them an excuse to have sex.
If I were to get pregnant, right now, at age 19 - I would not be able to fully take care of it without jeopardizing my future. I have 7 more years of college to look at.
Kids without the Monty Python experience already don't take health class seriously with all the STD preventions and birth control - what are they going to do when they learn how to flick a clit with their tongue just right? Or leaning to the left when thrusting in a girl feels really good for her?
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Everything I've learned has technically been in school, but from friends. I remember back in middle school when my one friend called my other friend (jokingly) because she said that one girl looked pretty cute a carpet muncher, and I had no idea what one was. I also learned what 69 meant.
Arizth wrote...
Another shining example of how school does nothing to prepare you for life. I honestly think that Slang should be offered as a credible foreign language course.
School didn't prepare me for life, but what school did do for me was prepare me for college. School is
not supposed to do everything a parent should do.
A lot of my character and preparation for life came from my mother who raised me on her own. She taught me responsibility, to be independent, she taught me that you can be happy even when times are hard, etc. She's the one who showed me how to be an adult - how to prepare me for life. That's something a school can't do. That's something a child spends 18+ years on watching and observing from their parents and earning themselves.
Have a shitty parent and hate them? Fine, you learned from them by watching and observing what you
weren't going to do with your life.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
School isn't to educate you with sex, it's job is to academically prepare you for a good career, not how to get freaky in bed.
Arizth wrote...
School is there to educate you on life. Supposedly. Sex is a big part of life. Therefore, Sex should be taught. It'll save you those "First Night Virgin" memories years down the line.
Oh please, your argument to have sex taught by a public schooling system is so you won't have an awkward first time? Since when is watching going to make you a pro in bed the first time? Most people watch porn before they have sex already and still are awkward.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
If I were a parent, I would -not- be okay with a school system doing that. I think I speak for all that children find out fine on their own. They don't need encouragement.
Arizth wrote...
You hate children, dontcha?
That's not even a substantial argument.
Arizth wrote...
I rather like that style of logic. "They find out well on their own" indeed. Problem is, a lot of them screw up or get hurt along the way. In my eyes, it's like saying "Lets not tell kids fire burns. Let them find out for themselves".
People get hurt because of relationships, not because of sex. Sex can be a offbranch as to why they'd get hurt. Maybe someone cheated on the other. But relationship/love/rejection is what hurts more then sex.
You can't tell me that educating children on how to do sex positions will help them not get hurt in the future.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I would rather have my child know the causes and effects of sex, pregnancy, STD's, etc versus knowing how many positions you can do it in sex. Everybody finds that out on their own.
Arizth wrote...
OR, we could teach them both, and save face?
No, there's too much against it and it'll never happen. You know how many pedophiles will jump into school to get their teaching degree so they can show little Susie how to give a blow job for extra credit? Just no.