Pulling the trigger takes alot of emotional strength. You all described protection of loved ones and self preservation.
Now, how about mercy killing? Or personal mercy shot aimed at the weak or maimed who believe they can't live it out past what they are now, especially if that person is friend, family or the love of your life?
Or what if its the same position but different situation?
shinji_ikari wrote...
I just want to know how many people on Fakku actually BELIEVE they can pull that trigger if they had to ,and what kind of situation it would take for them to do it.
I love your play of words.
Now since its a generalization of pulling the trigger, without any specifications of who or where or what, and the question of the situation, also generalized, as to what event would be:
Would YOU have the emotional courage or dead-set will to pull the trigger-
to your own head in a dire situation of any kind?
btw:I would pull the trigger if it meant my wits end and my self preservation and/or my family, friends, or love of my life. But regarding self preservation:
You will always hesitate one second when you have the upper hand.