gizgal wrote...
_Raven_ wrote...
Firstly my condolences man to losing your friend. Secondly your friend's and idiot for killing himself over depression. Didn't he give away his stuff towards the end of his life? Wasn't he nicer than usual? Man you gotta look for those signs of someone that's gonna commit suicide. If I had a friend do that I'd spit on his grave and call him a fucking faggot for doing it in the first place then get drunk off my ass and cry. Besides can't forgive him for listening to peer pressure anyway. He should've just kept on living just to piss off the church anyway.
I feel this is a bit cruel considering that OP is pretty much grieving right now, feels bad for not seeing the signs of suicide, and this isn't going to help him feel any better. :|
True, but homey needs to face facts of life. I know I wouldn't be able to post, much less be on my computer, if I found out one of my friends died and I've known most of them for at least 10yrs not with the newer ones being at 2. Of course watching a lot of tv and being a psych major you tend to observe things. But rereading my post should show symphony, anger, stupidity, and partial sadness just for the thought.