would it really end child prostitution? pimping? human trafficking
Child prostitution would be reduced by law enforcement being able to spend their energy on more things than trying to combat adult prostitution. Also free market economics will play a part in reduction of child prostitution and human trafficking in the United states. Why would you pay for a street walker who may be a drug addict or have a disease if you could have a safe and clean experience at a brothel?
The only people who would buy the service of a child prostitute are pedophiles. These are the kinds of pedophiles that will travel to countries like Thailand and Cambodia in order to have sex with a child anyways. While we can't remove demand we can however use more police force to enforce the law. How it will work in reducing child prostitution is; as prostitution is legalized and street walkers are prohibited along with free market economics functioning the way they do. Prostitutes will move into legal brothels or be forced out of the industry anyways. With the drop in street walkers, V.I.C.E. squads will be able to focus their energy more as they have fewer to police. Also arresting them (the pedophiles) for soliciting an unlicensed prostitute and also arrest them for having sex (or attempting to have sex) with a minor. Human trafficking will die down because the channels they use to exchange people for money will slowly close off with dropping demand. People simply won't buy a street walker when you compare the risks of one compared to a legal brothel.
what if a legal prostitute gets raped?
Legal brothels employ security forces who monitor the women. Some brothels watch through hidden cameras while others have guards stations near the rooms. The women will be protected not only by security forces but will also be able to request the aid of police in capturing their rapist unlike the current situation where rapes go unreported because the prostitutes don't want to be arrested.
As for the link. Europe and American operate on different methods and standards. I'm not familiar with the sex industry laws of the Netherlands, Germany or Australia. Even Sweden with it's "punish the male" stance is almost laughable as they think this will reduce demand. In Afghanistan, abu dabi, Iran* prostitution is punishable by death and yet, the demand hasn't gone down.
Look at Asian countries where prostitution is legal in one form or another. Is Japan the squalor hellhole that people think American will become if we legalize prostitution? Europe's problems with human trafficking stems from some flaw in their laws or society. I am not an advocate of anything other than legalizing two willing people engaging in sex in exchange for money. Two consenting adults should be allowed to do what they want with each other. Organized crime,pimps and human traffickers should be pushed out of the industry with the full power of the State and Federal governments coming down like the hammer of Thor.
*Iran allows prostitution in the form of Nikah mut'ah a.k.a Sigheh (temperary marriage arrangement for sex only)
Lets run down the list and compare legalizing it to status quo
#Prostitutes walk the streets freely
#Prostitutes have no incentive to get examinations or treat infections of STDs
#Pimps actively force women in dire situations into prostitution
#Pimps subject their "girls" to substance abuse and dependence. Thus enforcing their hold on the women.
#Prostitutes have no legal protection from police. Leaving them at the mercy of their pimps or whoever picks them up.
#Rapes go unreported as prostitutes will be arrested for prostitution while leaving the rapist free
#It is currently unsafe to solicit a prostitute as she may rob you or attack you.
#Little to no prevention for child prostitution from occurring.
#Human trafficking operates successfully due to the black market nature of the current industry.
#City, State and Federal Governments receive no tax revenue from the industry.
#Prostitutes will be confined to brothels removing them from public sight.
#Brothels & Prostitutes will be required to get a license in order to operate.
#Prostitutes will be subject to regulations such as maintaining a clean working environment, regular medical exams.
#Prostitutes will be granted the same workers rights as any other person with the same amount of hours worked.
#Prostitutes will have protection from security employed at the brothel and also have legal protection from the police in case of assault or rape.
#The prostitutes can and will most likely be subject to screenings for drugs and other illegal substances.
#Child prostitution will drop as police can focus their energy on the illegal prostitution and the people who solicit child prostitutes.
#Human trafficking will slow and or cease due to regulations that already exist for companies such as having citizen ship or legal privileges to work in the United States.