theotherjacob wrote...
No, not whatsoever. There is no distinct differences that I disagree with because I celebrate difference in my life. Cultures are only apart because of distance and because of racism. The more interconnected the world becomes, the more interaction we have with culture and the more we can share and learn to love. That is why we gain tolerance, tolerance is the ability to to endure. That is something you fail to see.
**sigh** I addressed the meaning of the word tolerance, which ironically you left out in your "rebuke" of my statements. The word "endure" is the same as "putting up" and if you really think this is a long term state of affairs the world should have, it is precisely the reason people are fighting now.
Let's take it away from your personal experience, with which I'm severely happy for you but the reality is that we're debating life on planet earth today. You proclaim that people shouldn't look at differences, acknowledging themselves as "Human Beings" and assimilating nice and neatly.
Before Human Beings, we're individuals. And it's that individuality that makes up the Human Being. The multicultural world fails at the very onset because it negates individuality, thereby it negates Humanism at its most basic level.
People don't have to necessarily "hate"(or in other words racism) to experience differences and to be turned off by those differences. Because they are
individuals. Whether the naive like it or not, assimilation via eliminating humanity's core tenants is not only impossible but damaging to the ideal.
The attempt to regulate that world, has only compounded on this miserable intellectual mistake from the start. No one likes having their opinions silenced or forced to live a state of affairs that otherwise they wouldn't want to live for the sake of others.
LustfulAngel wrote...
You can cite as many "reasons" as you want for crime, but the overlying factor is that criminal individual, for reasons unique to that person had been unable to "fit in" with society.
TheotherJacob wrote...
And why do these people not fit into our society, it isn't their fault we prevent them from getting better jobs. It isn't their fault that white people want to force them out, deport them, restrict them, deny them higher positions. The person to blame for segregated crime is you. People like you who believe that we have crime because of them and not because of us. If we didn't deny these people better education and better jobs, they would be productive citizens, instead we treat them like second class citizens in their own homes, and leave them to fight with tribal mentality. They are fighting to survive while you sit there telling them that their fights to survive are criminal.
From here on out, I'm going to leave my own quotes as well as your response just to show you how silly your proposition is. First of all, do you know what Affirmative Action is? It's the government regulating who can hire who(particularly minority workers) in an effect to "spur" hiring of minorities and to "make up" for the crimes that were committed.
Americans moronically believed in the proposition, but when faced with the reality that it's little more than reverse discrimination, opinion swings heavily to opposition
In truth, Americans should have always viewed it as reverse discrimination, whether it was for the "noble cause" of increasing minority employment or not.
In of itself, the law legislates against businesses from hiring the best person and every so often, they'll hire an unqualified minority worker just to meet the quota.
And no, far from discriminating, Caucasian-Americans have opened the door with their warm and loving hearts, leading to such a dramatic demographic change
And this is the result
I'm not delusional, the divide is there; it's significant and it is a culture problem. Mostly because these violent cultures of gangs, drugs, etc aren't English in nature. Take a look at England, they never would've thought there's a cultural divide until they saw it for themselves.
You can blame majorities if you'd like, but for a minority to be as active in crime life as they are you can't say majorities led them to live these lives. You also can't say that in the face of affirmative action that they've disallowed opportunities for "growth".
LustfulAngel wrote...
Society, as it stands now is not inclusive but rather exclusive. Not of a "race" or of a "Social Group" standing above one another, but because of the failed assimilation of all Social Groups to eventually leave nothing.
TheotherJacob wrote...
As I've stated before, that is not thier fault, that is the fault of white people who think they're smarter than everyone else, like you. You are the ones who don't want these people in our social groups, and that is the reason they resort to what they do.
So tell me, what, if anything is "their" fault then? As long as you're incapable of grasping the fact that these Social Groups are inherently different, you won't be able to recognize that what we're doing is akin to putting a cat and dog in the same room and expecting them to get along.
If "Tolerance" is the best case scenario, then our idea has failed before it even took place. You'll never be able to see your dream of a "Common Humanity" because it's not common, it's forced. It's a belief people have forced down their throat.
I'm not opposed to all minorities, but I am opposed to the violent denigrates that have unfortunately become the vast majority. Those who think they can have a free ride, etc. Living in an impoverished neighborhood like I have, has given me
as a White American the kind of viewpoint that's necessary to solve this problem.
A minority should stay a minority, the reason being is that most minorities haven't cultivated the country. They don't know the moral values of "X Country" and thereby they themselves can't even assimilate. They can't even cultivate themselves and you yourself are the ultimate proof, blaming others for their own shortcomings.
Even Gordan Brown, the former British PM was forced to wake up to reality that this idea doesn't work. Humanity is far too individualistic to give up their own individual ideals, opinions and dreams.
Multiculturalism is the subjugation of Humanity, a flawed engine to accomplish what has been Humanity's greatest dream. Univeralism. As long as Multiculturalism exists, Universalism shall never be a reality.
LustfulAngel wrote...
I've even come to recognize superiority(and inferiority) as not necessarily negative but a reality of life which in fact spurs the continuation of life. Everyone strives to get better, to compete. If we want everyone to be "equal", we shouldn't level the playing field.
TheotherJacob wrote...
There is no difference intellectually between any single human, nor is there anything physically for those that work at it. You're telling me that claiming to be smarter than a black man is not a negative thing, that there is no level playing field there. The only reason there is no level playing field is because we haven't given them one.
I've referred much earlier to Affirmative Action, so I've already debunked your notion that we haven't given minorities an even playing field. It is because we've given them a "even playing field" that they've given up on playing altogether.
Why play the game of life when victory is already handed to them? Furthermore, you're mistaken in that there's no difference intellectually between a single human. Those who occupy the highest positions in social networking or in various other companies, corporations or factions of Human Life. They most certainly are capable to a level with which most Humans in our country are not.
Can they get better? Yes. Can they find satisfaction with themselves? Yes Can they produce at a very high level? Yes. Can they become that person's equal? It's possible but not probable.
In dictionary terms, probability has a higher standing than possibility. Probability refers to reality, whereas possibility refers to potential reality.
We mustn't get caught up in the false notion of equality, in the terms that everyone's the same. Human Potential gets derailed by denoting everyone to have the same capacity.
Only by setting the highest plateaus to be reached, can Humanity truly evolve. A "Level playing field" only discourages this natural evolution of Human Beings.
LustfulAngel wrote...
So let's beat past the bush, and get to the heart and thick of it: Prosperity. Mankind should aim to be prosperous, when everyone is prosperous(in their own way), everyone is happy and when everyone is happy then they are equal.
TheotherJacob wrote...
Prosperity, you mean wealth. Wealth being something only a white person can obtain. You clearly stated it before, if we aren't all equal and others are superior, nobody can be prosperous except for those who can capitalize on being the best. You can't have winners without losers.
But you can make it so that blacks, whites and asians all have a chance to become prosperous. That would mean leveling the playing field, giving everyone the best quality of education possible and not judging based on skin colour. That would mean there is no segregation.
That chance already exists, laws against discrimination have only allowed discrimination in various other ways(as I point out earlier). It's also incredibly laughable for you to say that in a country where "Whites" are
increasingly becoming a minority that only "Whites" can acclaim wealth.
Tell me, where does this inferiority complex of yours come from? A Level Playing Field merely gives advantages to those who don't necessarily deserve it. How many manufacturing jobs has America lost? How much has our trade deficit grown? For what? Mere material goods made out of China?
This ideal is collapsing on it's face, and especially here in America where as minorities gain more political clout and power, the reality of it is that America has lost a political voice, identity and even yes a future.
Not just in America, but in all of Europe including Canada. And there's a logical reason for it: These Social Groups are made of Individuals, you yourself would like to believe this. Well, those individuals only know their social groups, they only know their country.
So even if you assimilate them, they'll only look to continue doing things that they would've liked to do in their home country in the country with which they immigrated to.
I'm sorry to say, but America is not Africa or Mexico or any of these other 2nd/3rd world countries with which these immigrants have come from. It was supposed to be a European-English continent. In a nation where we can't even proclaim our native tounge to BE the native tounge is the greatest insult.
The superiority or inferiority of people is determined by their own actions and their own accord and their own status in life. Everything is up for grabs, nothing is predetermined and certainly there is no equality.
Equality is established by establishing everyone's own unique, individual self worth. Only through the Individual, can Universalism be a reality.
TheotherJacob wrote...
Just accept it, you try to hide behind your flawed logic. Trying to disguise it with as much fancy talk as you like but at the very bottom of it all, you're just a racist.
You're a fascist, fascism can't exist without superiority, superiority by definition means being better than what you compare it to, which for fascism, it's people. When you believe that one person is superior to another, that is the definition of racism.
Isn't it your "logic" that's flawed? It's not even logic, it's emotionalism! At no point did I for example, point to a specific minority. Believing in Superiority doesn't by itself define racism, rather I believe it defines Humanism to its truest extent.
I would be lying to myself if I didn't say that there were those better than me. Of course, there's many people who are better. By acknowledging their superiority, I can try to bridge the gap. Fascism acknowledges the true tenants of Man's nature and thereby, univeralism can exist.
Man can only be brought together by man's greatest values. His unique, individual contribution to the Human Cause. The idea that there's a significant portion of Humans that quite frankly cannot uphold to this standard, is only natural.
I'll give you this: Perhaps, potentially they can live up to this standard in an environment where it's demanded of them. Imagine for example if there were to be no minority assistance(and of course, no "discrimination" for you to hide behind)
Then finally, these groups which have failed to assimilate will either have to assimilate or build their own native countries! Imagine, what a prosperous Africa or Mexico would do for the world.
But I acknowledge that we can't cultivate Africa or Mexico, hell we lack the political backbone to cultivate this European-English continent! Only the Africans(and African-Americans) and Mexicans can cultivate their respective countries.
Interestingly enough, as seen through Liberia even with the opportunity given to them they couldn't cultivate the region. So tell me, in the face of this utter failure what are we to do? How can we cultivate that which can't be cultivated? While at the same time, this manifestation is slowly but surely eating away at not only our culture, but every culture on earth.