earlshaggwell wrote...
I don't think it's anybody's buisness but the people directly involved. meaning the mother and father(mostly the mother). and before someone cries about the unborn life that is destroyed or how ever you phrase it to try and evoke simpathy, if you're reasons are religious, i suspect you are just jealous it got a short cut to 'heaven'. and to say something against abortion on a site pretty much made for masterbation, consider this;
every sperm that gets set loose, is an ultra early abortion, so that makes you a hypocrit(if you're male).
No. It is not considered an abortion. You do realize how many sperm gets destroyed in the attempt for pregnancy? The sperm is nothing more than a set of specialized cells. It can only be considered an abortion after an egg and sperm have met to create embryo. The only difference between sperm and other cells in your body is the job it was designed for. Nothing more.
Anomalouse wrote...
I really, honestly believe you're killing someone with an abortion, but I still think it's fucking stupid to bear a child when you aren't properly prepared to raise them. Pro-choice.
Some people don't have a choice in the matter. Pregnancy can be the result of a rape. Some rape victims don't want to keep the baby because it reminds them of what happened to them. You can't simply lump all pregnancy's together. The situation in which they got pregnant matters greatly.
With that said, I'm pro-choice. But I never understood why people felt their opinions matter in such a personal situation. Having a child is heavy drain on the parents. Unless you have had a child before, you won't understand until you do.
I'm not going to bother commenting on whether abortion is right o4 wrong. Too many factors and arguments to be had there.