Anomalouse wrote...
I disagree, there are at least a couple widely agreed-upon definitions of what makes a bad parent, and that's what examinations would try to prevent. Now, the criteria on what passes and fails is difficult to decide on, but I think with careful deliberation an acceptable test and programs to assist those who fail could be developed... but probably not in America, because we have enough trouble coordinating taxpayers' money as it is.
I said a good parent, not a bad parent. As i said before, everybody has their own definitions for what counts as a good or bad parent. If you need me to elaborate just say so.
I think screening for income is a really good idea, the standards don't have to be strenuous, but yeah, I think people who are jobless should be obligated to put their child in a foster home or something.
Screening a baby for potential health problems, I dunno if you're talking about before pregnancy or during pregnancy. Before pregnancy I'm pretty sure is impossible, you can't test until the fetus begins to develop. During pregnancy, I'm pretty sure every responsible couple already consults a doctor, I dunno what the cost for that is, maybe it could be subsidized or something
Mental examination for the mother, no. Psychological profile of the parents maybe, but those tests are expensive and require specifically-trained professionals who aren't available everywhere. At that, psychological testing would have to be concerned with the parents' ability to raise children, not the offspring's potential for psychological disorders (how a child turns out mentally is a wild card, you can't test it ahead of time).
Screening by income would institutionalize racist policies that unfairly target Blacks and Hispanics. As most poor people are either Black or Hispanic.
Screening for health issues; I'm talking about Eugenics. Where do we draw the line? Do we abort the autistic? What about physical disabilities? The list goes on.
I touch on why psychological screenings are a bad idea below.
Testing for political alignment or religion is retarded, I dunno where you're getting that from, there's no logical basis for any such test. There's as much proof that a god exists as there is proof a god does not exist; no theological mantra, INCLUDING ATHEISM, has any say in how valid another is, because not one is any more valid than the next.
Try telling Richard Dawkins or any other Atheist that they are wrong. Psychological testing
can and will be used to screen out the religious by targeting their beliefs as "psychologically undesirable". Unless you can provide an example of how we would we screen people while leaving out political contamination.
To your notion of preventing racists and bigots being born, there's a psychological principle of nature vs. nurture, and I'm pretty sure the verdict is that people are not born racist/intolerant, they become so. This sort of goes back to my answer for psychological testing.
This is why I want to leave psychological testing out. You're only allowed to have children if the political establishment allows you too. How are we supposed to keep political contamination out of the screening process? Lets say a person is Muslim or Christian and their religious beliefs are considered "undesirable" then they will probably be screened out. Thus discriminating against people of faith. Or if we have a religious administration or congress in office then the rules can be altered to screen out "undesirables". Imagine the Bush administration being able to select the "psychological profiles" that are allowed to have children.
All you are promoting is institutionalized racism and discrimination.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
I can't disagree with any of this, I need to research it some before I can give you a retort, but I have heard of the immigration thing, I forgot about that.
No need for research.
China has a gender imbalance. Though China does not allow abortions which leads to natural births and the infanticide that results. Gender selecting occurs during late term which just about everybody except the extremists are against. This opens up legal problems of when are people granted their constitutional rights? Does a fetus have to make it out of the womb before it's legally protected from death?
As for the population controls. How can abortions in America or Europe prevents the over population in growing countries like India and China? That's like mowing your lawn hoping that your neighbors grass will magically be cut as well. The only way you'll get population controls in China or India would be to promote abortion there. Which will lead to gender imbalance as males are preferred in their cultures.
Final note: Do you not see
ANY problem with allowing politicians to decide what the voting base looks like?
Edit: Just something I want to tack on. I'm all for offering financial incentives to low income women or women in general to freeze some eggs and then have their tubes tied. This only prevents natural births but, still allows for artificial insemination. I'm not sure if the process is possible for men but, still there are alternatives.