Black Burn wrote...
Take a look at the education system, many college students have to pay a HUGE debt just to finish a degree, and in the end many also don't get the job, despite their qualifications, many also get the jobs, but not with many success, eventually they'll give up and start a normal life, working part time in a store, getting an apartment and not being able to afford a house, a decent vehicle, maybe even not having the means of making a family .. all because of the huge costing in the educational system, and that is why in many schools, educational levels have dropped, teachers are quitting, schools are shutting down, and in the end it is one less potential on Earth to advance the Human civilization.
I find it the other way around, many schools are closing due to the kids not learning or not wanting to learn. My elementary/intermediate school was shut down due to that reason. If everyone was allowed in all the schools at all levels, it would be a disaster. This is why we have standards on admittance when it comes to college. Many go in debt but they never analyze WHY they should get a loan, they just think it's the best possible idea ever. It isn't, know your limits. I know someone who is a student and worker and someone else who is just a worker right now, but they do it for different reasons.
There are MANY issues to deal with, however one must look at the culprit, who are the culprits? Is it the government, nation leaders, the elites, the rich, businesses? Or could it be us normal humans who just aren't doing enough to change the current situation? What humans need are people willing to work on the things that need to be worked on, which in my personal opinion, is the structure of how things are running.
Everyone is selfish, hardly anyone does anything for free. The people should start acting on the important aspects of life, right now the economy around the world is in trouble and instead, a good number of them are just posting crap on facebook and failing their daily duties instead of taking action. Oh but wait, when the time comes for something, they "act" along with it.
So if you ask me if that world would look better if everything was free, I would say yes, however with every action comes a price and possibly consequences ... but if Humanity is willing to risk it to change everything for themselves and believe in a future of pure happiness and comfort, then just like the movies, the people have the potential to achieve greatness.
No, people always want something in return, even if it's just liking a picture or status on facebook.
The Venus Project is one of those potential futures, Final Fantasy has also some nice concepts, and also we ourselves, know what exactly makes us happy.
The problem is that fictional universes has no history besides what we get told and it's mostly what happens with the game. Our world has thousands of years of history and more complicated than the futuristic fiction setting of good vs evil in FF.
I also wanted to add a few more things regarding equality and access to things. This system has existed for thousands of years, Kings and Queens find it not suitable that normal citizens have that what they possess, they believe because they know how to rule, know how to guide, know how to perfect things .. they believed they are privileged to have better things, and also in many cases they are disgusted by the low peasants, so a status must me upheld high, including the rare things they possess and have the right to not just let anyone have it.
It's been proven time and time again, just look at all the fanatics on each side over anything. From something stupid like a book all the way to politics. You have people insulting one another because they don't share the exact same beliefs to liking something they don't.
This idea of different classes have existed very long, there is not one record of History of an existence in time where the whole world shared everything ... history has so much blood that it could fill up a mountain, or possibly even cover a few percentages of the ocean ... however there are countless records where small communities help one another, love one another, and even share their food with others, they lived without king or queens, lived without a system, only a leader who wants nothing more than their "happiness" ... maybe a system similar to small tribes likes these are suitable for the world, it's just to expand it and think the whole world is one big family ... however there are more darkness in the past than light, but it is these small glimmer of kindness that existed in the past that Humanity wants to reach and make it a reality.
Everyone is guilty of wanting their own happiness and it's normal, why should I care for someone around the world? Besides, conflict would happen from any side, there would be alliances, but the tribes from far away made an alliance and would kill anyone for resources or slavery and we start the whole cycle of how the world came to be. Warfare is needed, some wars were actually "good", best example being World War II, how would anyone like to live in a war where Hitler just took over without any struggle or war against him? The 300 Spartans in the Battle of Thermopylae is another example, they stood ground to the Persian empire and for a good reason, not because either wanted bloodshed but they wouldn't let anyone "own them" either.
We live in a world where there isn't just "good and evil" flat out 100% on either side, it's only gray areas.