Fadetoblack wrote...
I remember coming across a quote that said, 'Out of all the species living on the planet Earth, humans are the only one that has to pay,' and that got me thinking: What if we didn't have to pay for anything? What if people just made things for everyone, and did things that benefited humanity as a whole for the sake of simply doing it? Think about it: we'd never really have to pay for anything. We'd simply make it and give it to someone that asks or needs it. Wealth would be non-existent because everyone gets whatever they want, simply because we're all equal and never have to pay for it. Health would be up since people don't have to pay for prescriptions or hospital visits (seriously, have you seen what they charge you for? $300 just to ride in the ambulance!) I personally belive life would be better if everything was distrubited evenly without a price attached to it.
Pic Related to my point:

What's your opinion? I'd really like to hear what everyone thinks.
This would be based on the assumption that humans are naturally and boundlessly selfless in nature and that we can be motivated without the prospects of any gain. I could understand this in adherence to local communities in which people know the faces of others, can't ignore their suffering. But on a larger scale, I don't know if people can selflessly give to others.
If we were to use how interested, country a, is in the domestic and economic affairs of country b, c, d, especially if the country has no tie in with said country's affairs (Example: Tibet/Syria). Another example of would be the concept of "universal health care" to the US. I would assume humans selfless nature has an extent, that it is not boundless by default. (Not saying that their can't be such a person though, I would assume they are a by product of amazing education/background). A video I watched a little while back discussed some bits about human empathy, how we can feel more compassionate for a smaller number of victims of a tragic event than we can for larger. That we are inherently unable to process so many lives at a time. How, when we see a single person suffering it hurts us but when we see a group suffering it does not hurt us in scale to the growth in numbers, we even lose as much sympathy as we had for an individual and see them as a interchangeable member of the group. The video later states that this may be a defensive mechanism, if we felt in parallel to a mass, it could potentially damage us.
I think selflessness can work, but only on a local scale (sorta makes me wonder if humans are made, by nature, to live in small groups). But we need something that can work with a global community. I think machines might be a good way, if all labor is replaced by machines, human no longer have the role of the "cog". Which would only leave a mass of people of equal social standing with nothing to do (assuming we have near limitless supplies/material) we would all simply live benefiting off machine labor. Of course their are numerous flaws with this (let alone the idea of those of high social status would accept giving up that position to be of equal footing with everyone else is an unbelievable possibility), to the point that it scares me, but it seems to be the direction were heading in. Once 3d printers become as common place as cellphones... I wonder what humanity will be like. Medicine, food, tools, ect... All at the convenience of a printer.
(Soo many replies I want to respond too)