erogamer wrote...
Men are often taught that they aren't supposed to cry around others since it threatens their masculinity. Maybe that's one reason why people would roll their eyes and such if they see a guy cry. As for women crying in public, I don't think society is as harsh or judgemental.
Really? In my experience seeing a man cry in public generates a lot more sympathy than a woman crying in public does. If only because women are often seen as overemotional, especially when it comes to pregnancy (Pregnant sister; it just starts out of nowhere.) whereas you'd have to think something must have really gone bad for a guy to start balling.
Fortunately or unfortunately as it may be but I was prone to crying at the slightest provocation until I was about 11 so I've grown up accepting that you should let it out as soon as you need to and to hell with anyone who'd look down on you for not bottling yourself up to save face in front of people you don't know.