김치 wrote...
Coconutt wrote...
김치 wrote...
So for something to exist, we have to be able to study it and measure it?
No, not for something to exist, but for us humans to understand something, we have to be able to study it and measure it in some way.
For us to be able to claim something to exist, we have to be able to study it and measure it in some way.
Why limit yourself?
Limit myself?
Which one you prefer, believing in fairy tales and non-true things which in themselves most of the time limit you more than the free reality you actually live in (like pretty much every religion does), or make most of the actual reality you live in without believing in fairy tales and non-true things?
I understand that some people believe in somethings, because it makes them happy and use that as a basis for believing in it, like when you die your soul flies into heaven or some other nonsense like that or using a fictional story trying to teach something, like Santa Claus only gives presents to the good kids and not the bad ones.
But i seriously don't understand why reasonable adults believe in stupid stories to try and almost artificially make them supposedly feel better. Hey, if you feel sad or depressed about ebola virus killing thousands of people in Africa, just tell yourself that it isn't really happening, right? If you feel sad or depressed about ISIS beheading innocent people, just imagine it actually isn't happening, right? That ought to make the reality we live in better, right? Just believing that bad things never actually happen, because why limit yourself to the actual reality you are living in?
In my opinion, i don't limit myself in anyway by not believing unproven things, i don't limit myself by not believing something because of faith.
Those who do seriously believe in unproven things, or seriously believe something because of faith are the people who limit themselves. They become (are) more gullible to be scammed, tricked and fooled, and also these same people limit the lives of other people who are not as gullible and stupid as the faithful and the 'believers' are, because they vote on stupid laws and want other people to believe the same bs they believe in. (Obviously not everybody is like this, but a good majority is).