Rbz wrote...
DaVinci wrote...
Chlor wrote...
Having an opinion does not necessarily means judging them. While I too find ex. Lip plates butt-ugly I respect their choice, and that people that have some insight in that culture might appreciate it more than I do.
I'm not judging them - like Chlor said it's my opinion - and it's tradition there - like I have to wear a nosepiercing.
Bah, even judgment is just an opinion.
To elaborate on this really quickly, it's only judgment of the person if your opinion is personal. Saying, "I think that (type of) piercing is ugly" is not personal and not judgment of the person, while saying "I think that looks ugly on you" is judgment of the person.
Keyword is "necessarily"
GoodDay wrote...
Yes that was my bad. I had mistaken the difference between judgement and opinion. However please answer my question.
Would you have a lip plate if it was the tradition of your family?
That wasn't your initial question but w/e.
I don't know, as it isn't the tradition of my family and I would never in my life wear a lip-plate(As I said, they are butt-ugly), but if I had grown up in a culture where lip-plates were commonly used I would probably view them differently, and probably wear one myself yes. And not to mention the social factor of where I live now. Even if I were born and raised in a community where lip-plates were used but later moved to where I am now I probably wouldn't use it as it wouldn't be accepted by the general public. It's a matter of fitting into the community.
Lip-plates are very extreme, and people will deem you alien if you had one, but simple things like a few discreet pierces through your ears, lips or your nose isn't really as remarkable and most people wouldn't react. As long as you don't work in either a very public occupation (Like a lawyer or real-estate agent or something, people wouldn't take you seriously) or with food since piercings are not hygienic.
This became longer than expected, sorry about that.