Mash Karas wrote...
Thus Yahweh didn't create the universe, nor Earth for that matter. He merely sent down the oxygen meteors that crashed into the ocean billions of years ago, created Earth's atmosphere, and caused RNA to build up and form microscopic life. After that, he helped evolution take its course (by use of "random" temperature changes) and helped the Homo genus develop into the current civilised Homo sapiens sapiens.
Is that a good enough answer for you? I suggest that (in the future) you pick your targets for scorn more carefully.
Do I need to keep linking more? Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1. In the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth.
It's the first line of the bible! How can you say that god didn't create the earth and the unverse when it is the very first line of the bible. I'm an athiest and even I know the first line of the bible.
If you really want to get technical here, the old testiment was written in a specific regional hebrew dialect while the new testiment was written in a common greek.
Moreso, as an physics university major, I want to address the multi-verse theory. Remember this is strictly a theory with mathmatical calculations to explain that theory, it does not however make it correct, we just don't have many better options. In a multi-verse theory, as with any state of quantum physics there is no measurable amount of certainty, only factors of probability. All states of quantum are in a constant state of flux and this gives the element of "randomness". How does this relate to the multi-verse, in the multi-verse anything can, has and will happen. So there is definitavely a universe out there that was created by a god, and one created by 20 gods, or 1000 gods, and there is also a universe out there that is created by no gods.
What interests most about the multi-verse is how it related to christmas and not the jesus christmas, the santa claus christmas. To have the debate, does santa exist, well in an infinite number of universes, there is guarenteed to be 1 universe that not only has a santa clause, but a santa clause that has build a device that allows him to travel between the multi-verse to other universes. So if you want to believe in the complete multi-verse theory as sciece tells us, then the easter bunny is real, the tooth fairy is real, god is real, santa clause is real, optimus prime is real, and all of them are having a death match on Kasbiar in the Zeltonis Universe. (that's universe 9847638494202 for anyone counting)