tanario wrote...
I share opinions with rather large amount of people here who are for equality and such. What i don't like however is the rising or steady feminist movement, it long since over were women weren't equal to men yet they keep moaning about every little thing,
Yes, that's because they're a group(The ones in a union) that wont STFU until they have it
their way. I think that if a group takes itself too seriously then we should just fuck around with them and piss them off.
tanario wrote...
while they never fight for causes that would causes disadvantages for them,
Help yourself by giving an example
tanario wrote...
lets be completly honest the feminist movement isn't a movement for equality it's a movement wish is made to benefit its members.
Which in their eyes is apparently equality.
tanario wrote...
and actually i know for a fact that just this year there have been turned it more complaints about equality from men than women in my country.
Sucks for your country dude.
tanario wrote...
i personally think its time this femnism stops for good or else we'll have a reverse situation in a decade or so, with men fighting for their right (since we'll also be outnumbered due to the fact that more men than women are being born).
Men fighting for their right, lawl. This is off topic but rich selfish greedy men rule this planet and I really doubt they'll give it up.