Shadowmancer wrote...
Can this comparison really be made?
It is much like debating over which is better: the apple or the orange.
I agree. Stemming from the same genus and species, the two sexes were seemingly made to balance each other out. Fundamentally, the male and female body structure are different in more ways in one: body shape, center of gravity, sexual organs, hormonal differences, etc. Factor in the roles that each sex played in beginning of human history, (when the concepts of "equality" or "sexism" or "female rights" were nonexistent) I think we can consider the argument of what role do each sex play, rather than the question of equality. Males were the protector and females were the provider. Different roles with different functions with different mindsets. They balance each other out, hence the reason why real sex is when a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina. I hate to bring this up, but I think the manga "Battle Royale" makes this gender equality issue moot and proves my point. Both males and females are equally capable killers, (though they made one guy a literal death god of sorts) and in end we're seen with the main hero and heroine sailing into the sunset. Men and women were meant to compliment each other, and in my opinion, equality is all in perception, a concept created by humans when we became smart enough to conceive such a lofty ideal. (I also attribute to human advancement, but that's another story.)