bakapink wrote...
Narovka wrote...
Cormac wrote...
CoD and it's ilk are the cancer killing video games.
Are they shit games? Yes. Are they going to kill the gaming industry? That's a tad bit extreme.
They embody, that when lowering standards to simply clone success, it's profitable. Shareholders/investors want more money not a (new) quality gaming experience, and they always get what they want. For quite awhile (game releases seem thinned out atm) many fps's attempted to beat CoD by being CoD, and they failed.
In the way that CoD spreads a desire for gaming companies to try to reproduce the same experience (game), an experience that's been the same since 4 and should die/end but doesn't, causing detriment and harm, I think the comparison is surprisingly accurate.
Cancer doesn't always kill the host, but it can hurt them, like F.E.A.R. 3, or Gears of War and CoD to Dead Space 3. CoD most likely won't kill the industry but I would say the mindset is crippling. (Forgive me, anyone who may find my subversive depiction of cancer insulting, I don't intend to offend by over simplifying.)
Note: Reason for last paragraph; You state that Cormac comment is wrong, by replying that CoD won't kill the industry, while Cormac only mentioned "...killing video games". So I figured your contemplating on the industry itself anyways.
So, if the quality of the primary product of an industry is being substantially lowered that doesn't lower the quality of the industry itself? I don't follow your logic there, I was referring in exact to the same thing Cormac was.
I'm well aware of why companies want to reproduce the Call of Duty gaming experience and why companies shy away from radical new ideas in fear of losing profit. That's just one side of the spectrum however. If all you ever look at is AAA releases of course you're going to be disappointed, and you're going to miss the majority of what's out there too.
The indie gaming market is larger and receiving more media attention than ever, and as people are starting to realize, you don't need a ridiculously large budget in order to make something great. Minecraft is a perfect example, same with DotA Allstars. As long as creativity lives within the minds of the incredibly steady influx of new game producers coming into the industry, we're always going to have something new and unique to try. If you're bored with the video games out there and you think games like CoD are killing the quality of the industry, it's your own fault for only looking at big budget games, which in reality account for a small portion of what's out there to experience.