Tsurayu wrote...
So I'm playing a match on Favela and I stumble into an enemy by his lonesome calling in a care package. He sees me, shoots me, I run away to take cover. I thought, "Hmm, I'll wait and grab his care package." So I wait for it to drop, shoot him and walk up to it. It's a UAV. I walk away and then thought "Hm, it's easy experience points." So I grab it and I hear "AC-130 ready for deployment." I look and the icon on my screen is an AC-130 and once that is gone I see that I have an AC-130 on my D-Pad.
Somewhat reminded me of last night...
I was working on my FAL class to get Extended Mags. Then a person called a UAV, Counter-UAV, and Harrier Strike. I rememered that I had Stinger Missiles equipped with me. I used it on the Harrier first, no problem. Then I used it on the UAV. By the time the missile reached the UAV, the Counter-UAV crosses paths. The missile blows up both aircrafts, and lols were had. That night, I started abusing the missiles...