Animeholic wrote...
Just got off of a session and it was awesome. We had two harriers up at once in TDM and it was a total raep. Darius, Falcon, Sas and I were playing.
I think it's worth mentioning Falcon's epic fail. He was the last alive in S&D and he slowly walked backwards off a cliff on accident. We all burst out laughing over mics and the chat rooom was full of FALILs and LOLs. Sas, Falcon, Cat, ASP, Corpse and I were playing at that time I believe.
Best part of the whole night. Trying to sneak so perfectly so you could stay silent and end up walking straight off the edge. XD
Also, where are you guys at? Didnt you say about an hour ago that I should get on so we could play? Well, Im waiting. |: