animeholic1 wrote...
When installing the patch did you do it manually or did you use the installer? I haven't played this game so I'm not completely sure what the problem is but if I had to guess I would say the patch. I'd wait for Klown or Kaimax to give their opinion before doing anything drastic.
I don't think it has anything to do with the patch, as I received the same message while trying to start the game without the patch. But if it helps I just did as the readme told me to and opened up the batch file to apply the patch to the game, I'm guessing that was the installer.
Are you talking about the patch? Then yes I did, I managed to install the patch without any problems but as I said I don't think this error has anything to do with the patch, it might just be I don't meet the system requirements, but I mean it's a visual novel, not a FPS so I'm sure I won't be needing the newest most advanced graphics card on the market to play it. But I'll do as you say and wait, I really appreciate the help guys. :D