fgd49 wrote...
Hey guys its been awhile since I posted so can you guys give me your thoughts on this deck I'm building it revolves around King Dragun
White night dragon
Blue eyes white dragon x3
Lord of D.x2
Divine dragon Ragnarok 2
Exploder dragon x3
Masked dragon x3
Red eyes dark metal dragons2
Prime material dragon x2
Red-eyes wyvern x3
White stone of legend 2[/h]
Dragon ravine
Flute of summoning dragon
Trade in
Ancient Rules X3
Dragons mirror x2
Future fusion
Gold sarcophagusx3
Monster reborn
Mystical space typhoon x3[/h]
Bottomless trap hole x2
Dimensional prison x2
Solemn warning
Mirror force
Torrential tribute
Mirror force[/h]
Okay, first off, lord of d., ragnarok and flute, i'd dump entirely. For flute, not just it demands you to use only when lord is on field, making it too situational, it can only summon from hand. that severely reduces your hand and drawing power is one of the things we dragon uses really want so badly. I'd also max out RDMD since it is the engine of the deck, and it is quite easy to summon in a pure dragon deck. for smaller monsters, i recommend adding delta flyer because of its awesome eff in sync and xyz, dodger dragon for gay solemns, koaki meiru drago since well, you know how freaking gay the current meta is.
I don't see the need for that much exploder, and 2 prime material is kinda overkill too I think. And while white stone + blue eyes is a neat combo, blue eyes is a normal mon so it is merely a beatstick, and it's definitely not something you'd ever want to draw when the your hand is empty. The only reward for running BEWD is thunder end dragon, which is imo iffy since it also rapes your own RDMD which can never be useless. So I find it more favorable to get strong monsters by synchro summon with scrap, red, stardust and other things which are strong but also have eff that is more beneficial. The combo is easily accomplished with lots of good level 4 dragons like i mentioned and delta flyer/dread dragon. dread isn't that awesome, but it does help getting masked in your hand and it opens up the possibility of red nova dragon, which is nothing short of orgasmic.
And lightpulsar dragon is another neat thing to have. the eff of summoning rdmd (you can summon others, but as if you will) when sent to grave is always neat, and it also helps deal with gay mirror force etc. the fact that it doesn't need the rdmd to already be in grave when the eff activates is all the better, since you can summon the rdmd that is mirror'd along with it, then reuse rdmd's eff to get pulsar back in the scene, providing something of a protection.
trade in... is also too situational. i can see it occurring often with white stone, but still i dont see the favor. especially when ancient rules can only summon normal mon, only from hand... making rdmd a whole lot more valuable. i dont think you need 2 dragon mirrors but it's your choice, i just think that removing too much things is dangerous since you dont have any way to get em back in for rdmd to use. future fusion is <3333 so no comments there. gold sac... 3 is overkill. i know the itch to get future fusion right away, but waiting 2 turns for it is just looooooong in the current meta so yeah... i'd restrict it at 1. use the slot for other things like heavy storm or some low level mons.
trap lineup is ok, just the usual stuff. i'd recommend slugging a burst breath in though, since it helps hugely in wiping the field when you see a gay summon venus or something. besides, by playing it right you wont harm your huge guns so no prob there. call of the haunted, want or no want? and maybe return from different dimension to temporarily get back what mirror kicked out. played right, you can get loads of awesome syncs in with that, and nothing moved out afterwards.
Great man, I love it when people run cool stuff. I'm seriously sick of BLS and whatever gay shits made gayer by it.