Data Zero wrote...
IT is a GOOD game. It can still piledrive you through the ground in direct express to hell and there is nothing else on the market like that.
But is it as good as Dark Souls 1? That I AM doubting.
Here is The Rageaholic.
I would recommend watching Matthews' critique of it to get a better understand of why it suffers instead of
that. It's a more serious and detailed discussion.
Ryssen wrote...
Dark souls 2 critique
The three main problems I have with the game has to do with the enemies. They are far too many groups of them which forces you to either attack them head on or circle around and that gets boring after a while, they have too much tracking and seems to never run out of stamina. Albeit now later through in-game I am seeing less enemies with infinite stamina and the tracking seems less severe.
Except that I'm having a blast. With already 8 hours of playtime after just two days.