Badguy wrote...
I like Templar Assassin so far. I'd probably like her better if I knew what I was doing lol.
Here's a tidbit, assuming you're using QWERDF for skills:
Q -> R -> Detonate Trap (forgot which key it was) -> W near enemy -> Attack
With Dagger:
Q -> Blink in -> W near enemy -> Attack till enemy dies -> R and detonate if enemy is running away
Make sure to get at least a level or two early in the game on Templar Assassin's E to get range
Always place a trap in rune wards, TA's a rune whore.
Place your traps IN FRONT of a running hero to make sure it hits.
Rush Blink Dagger and practice using it in conjunction with your W (you can practice by typing -wtf in a practice game. -gold xx for more gold)