scrubmycar wrote...
Personally, I think it's actually better for people to be playing hard carries (with escape skills) when they first start out.
If they have no MMR/ELO ratings, they will be matched with similar beginners who will most likely have no idea what they're doing. They won't be able to push or defend as a 5 man effectively, thus causing the game to stretch for a longer duration of time. If you play a hero like am or void, all you have to do is literally get uncontested last hits for much of the mid game, back when the lanes are too pushed, and blink/time walk out of danger. Even if you're auto attacking, you should still be able to get better GPM than the other players running around the map. They'd still need a good team/lane composition though.
If you play squishy hard supports like CM, Venge, etc, you'll be a huge target for the entire duration of the game. Once heroe with multiple nukes maxes out their active burst damage at around lvl 8~, you'll be an easy target for the rest of the game. Without proper warding and lane control, you won't be able to do anything. Heroes like NA can just burst you down every team fight/gank.
If you can't last hit well, then maybe playing support is a better option. Playing support means buying courier/wards, baby sitting your carry, pulling/stacking, and rotating to other lanes if needed. Don't ever steal the last hits/kills from your carry unless they won't be able to get it otherwise.
Just to fix several misconceptions you have that greatly contributes to the level of terrible play in DotA 2.
One. If everybody picks a carry, there would not be enough farm for everyone, and since carries are meant to carry late the game is most likely going to drag past 50 minutes. Most games do go past that point, but 5 carries 99% will drag past that time period. Boring.
Two. Crystal Maiden and Vengeful Spirit are one of the absolute best supports/gankers with their utility, and their role is to protect + feed the carry, make ganks, and die for the team. Every time you are targeted by the enemy team instead of your carry, you are winning the game. I have NO idea why you don't want to die (positively) for the team when playing as those heroes.
Three. Unlike League of Legends, there is no gp/10 items that could increase your gold, and every time you die your gold count is reset. Then you also have to consider the fact that the enemy will deny creeps. To remain useful, you HAVE to farm at least a certain amount of gold and acquire basic items like Boots/Wards/Wands + 1 escape/utility item if possible. Thus, your job is to ensure that you harass either the enemy heroes out of lane, or at least secure the creep kill before the enemy could take it, by combining your hits with your carry. There is no need to worry that your carry would not get sufficient farm (and quite frankly, if a carry could not last hit better than the support even though those type of heroes usually have strong basic attacks, the gold might be better on you instead) as there will be a blank period of time about 10 ~ 15 minutes where they will get to farm without hindrance. Assuming the enemy isn't completely steamrolling you of course.