A Thousand Suns wrote...
Anesthetize wrote...
A Thousand Suns wrote...
Anesthetize wrote...
BM is the best solo suicide laner
Nonsense, please don't talk if you have no clue what you are talking about.
She can be whatever you want her to be. There is no bad item on her. She is everything you want her to be.
Lol, what. If you don't think brood is the best suicide solo laner than i really don't think you know what you're talking about.
Brood isn't even refereed to as BM. And even Brood isn't the best solo laner. Wards shuts her down 100%. She can not do anything if they get wards.
Please, take your fucking pub attitude and get the fuck out of here. You're out of your league.
Its not very hard, just max Axes and summons, if you're solo mid just farm 6 quickly and go gank. If you're solo longlane stack the ancients each time you get the chance(Dire has an advantage with doing solo Beastmaster). And get a soulring quickly. Its called suicide lane because they're up against two or more heroes.
um no. ur an idiot. wards dont shut her down 100% rofl.
in a suicide lane you should be back the fuck up regardless of invis or not, so wards don't really make any difference. Brood is best solo laner because she can farm afar with her first skill, control pulls and jungle with her summons. Her webs give her vision of ganks from the forest, extra regen and movement speed buff to make killing her slightly harder. Not to mention those support/s in your lane have got to rotate sometime and brood can put tremendous pressure on towers when that happens. Doesn't need a lot of items to or farm to impact or cause a dramatic effect on the game. WR on the other hand has an escape and a powershot to farm the lane which she can't even use because it'll push the lane and make her miss out on xp. Whoop dee hoo. In saying that you need to have a specific team if you're going to run a brood, WR on the other hand can run in any lineup and that's why she's chosen over brood as the suicide laner in most occasions. Not because she's better but because she fits in the teams lineup better than brood.
I think you should shut the fuck up tbh, because you're obviously a noob who doesn't know anything. Do you see pro teams banning WR over Brood? I think not. And i don't want to hear so much arrogance from a guy who uses red text to try to make people notice him because he's got an inferiority complex and self esteem issues irl.