rokushou wrote...
i'll have a 4v4 tournament here and my team were seeking some combo. something that come up to my mind is Anub'arak, Vengeful Spirit, Sand king, and Lion. Any comments or idea of better combo?
I'm guessing that lion will be mid... and anub and sandking will lane together..
if you guys are lucky and your opponent's dosen't have any tanks they you should have an easy win... if not then have your lion gank like crazy... seeing that your all stunners your bound to get at lest one guy every gank...
your combo's weakness is lack of tankers... anub can't take that much damage and SK is too soft to tank... so ending it early may also work to your advantage...
for combos try:
tidehunter, lich, jakiro, magina. Tidehunter goes first and set's them up, jakiro 2nd then lich, magina chases anyone left alive after that.
Enigma, Crystal maiden, sven, lanaya. Enigma sets up, Cm deals major Area damage, Sven focuses on one guy, lanaya makes sure they can't run away and chases.