Bentoss wrote...
I don't really understand the concept of getting tanks to balance team, sure having lots of hp is really great for survivability, but in team clashes, people always go for the mushy heroes, and that would be your int and carry.
It's not like they'll be scared to run into you in a clash unless your certain str heroes. (Sven, Axe)
I always feel that stunners/disablers is what wins you games and not if you have a tank or not.
Then again I rarely play organized team matches. Mostly pub games, usually with selfish people who play non-stunning carries. Imagine, Troll, Spectre, Faceless Void, Phantom Assassin on a team, with some int hero. The stunning carries never got the attack speed to do any damage.
In HoN, it's worse, all the people concerned about stats like to play really cheap 1 on 1 carries with no stuns. Imagine 3 of them on your team. All for kill/death ratio.
the basis of tanks in team clash is simple... if they don't focus on you, you can focus on their softies first... the best example of this concept is bristleback(armadon for HoN), once you get your items they won't bother hitting you at all which in turn give's you a chance to dish out pain... and believe me if you don't focus on tanks then the tanks give you a pain in the head later on...
also most tanks are huge in size so they often block other people's view on smaller heroes, which in turn makes them focus on you...