rokushou wrote...
hey, is the damage taken is full damage before reduced armor or it's reduces by the hero's armor and then damage back? it's very puzzling for me (mercu's desolate)
?_? that confused me, so lemme reply with this...
damage from blademail is magic type (...sez a previous poster) so the damage reduction is based on the magic resistance of the hero; if he has defiance, it'll probably help.
your armor reduces ANY incoming damage (DUH!) be it magic OR physical. pure damage and chaos damage inflict 100% damage on enemies, despite their armor; in other words, it ignores armor.
with the mercurial's desolator... er... all i know is that i adds and deals PURE damage to a lone enemy. so if mercurial hunts at early game, she'll be one heck of an enemy.