Dungeon Fighter Online

catfish wrote...
I just got a whisper from someone who said that they were also a member of Fakku.

A lvl 38 Nen Master (holy crap!)

Sorry, but I was away when you sent it, would you mind telling me who it is that you are from Fakku? I added you to my friends list.

Lol Catfish, it takes like a month o get to 40 dude.(playing everyday so you use up all your fatigue)

Its been 6 days and I'm lvl 21(and starting to grind lolz)
asaforever wrote...
i just stumbled inside this topic and instantly decided to give this game a shot.
Any recommendations on classes?

for beginners use slayer or gunner
Lol it was me catfish and yes I am lvl 38. I played closed beta, early access beta, and now open beta. The character from early access is transfer to open beta. I was lvl 32 I think before open beta came out.

***Tips on how to lvl fast***

-Soloing gives more exp then party, if you can't solo because you class sucks at it, just party a friend that is good and do 2 people. You only get bonus exp added on to the exp you get with party, but it is still lower than if you solo by yourself. I test out doing Master solo is more exp than King in a party of 4.
-Go to the right channel that correspond with the dungeon area that you are doing.
-Full map waste fp? No, it doesn't; cause when you do full map you get more exp bonus for when you complete the dungeon. If you fail, then you would waste alot of fp for basically no exp.
-Full map on king is really good. when you get to lvl 27+ and in the behemoth dungeons you can get 100k+exp from soloing it on King. Make sure your lvl fits the dungeon though, cause if you too high or too low for the dungeon; items drop rate and exp goes down.
that looks intense
Thanks again Jinsei, sadly everything with Hammer Kick (and cancel), Low Kick, Iron Physique and Tiger Chain Strike is already done so until I can afford 25 fucking dollars they stay heh. From what I've read on Nexon's DFO forums the passive Physical Strike skill, based off of the other versions of the game, adds 1% per point and the in game description is just a typo. I've also noticed garbled text for Taunt's range.

Updated for sale list:
Lamb Skin Strap; purple leather belt, requires level 6.
Double Layer Cotton Shoulder Pads; purple cloth shoulder, requires level 6.
Neon Sword; blue lightsaber, requires level 20.
Various materials.
-NEW- Halogen Sword; blue lightsaber, requires level 25.
-NEW- Cardinal Waist Covering; green plate belt, requires level 15, part of a 5 item set.
-NEW- Sacred Guardian; purple cross, requires level 15.
-NEW- Sellion Tail; purple rod, requires level 15.
-NEW- Reciple: Vile Beast Belt; green leather belt, requires level 24 to make, 25 to wear.

Everything is at a reasonable price, but unfortunately I'm not on until after 11PM PST so it may be difficult to find a buyer just posting here haha. I'm mostly on Mikari lately so if you want to party up or buy something whisper me or add me.

~80k experience until level 26, and I'm loving the Blutlache claws I got for only 200k.

As for those just starting and wondering what class to choose, it may just be the way I play but both the priest and fighter were easy to start with. Last I played of my slayer he's level 16 with no healing items at Shadow Thunderlands... Gunner is pretty easy but for me it's kind of boring and if you stick to using auto-guns the combo is so long my finger starts to cramp up almost immediately (but at level 11 it's not like I have a lot of skills to combo with), I mostly see bowguns used in the arena, but from what I've tried I prefer revolvers for now. Mage is fun but even with a level 10 purple pole I'm having problems soloing the time trials at level 12, but most quests aren't bad for now.

Just my two cents. And now to work towards level 26!

I guess I should mention that I'm usually on the Sky Tower West 1 server, and will be moving to Behemoth West 1 when I reach it.
Yea, Nexon is pretty greedy even though they are already successful with Maplestory. $25 just for skill redistribution in DFO and I think it was $25 or maybe $20 to get marry in Maplestory (lol).

Also I think they lower the exp rate in NA version compare to the Korean one. Heard it form somewhere, don't remember. I'm guessing they going to give out double exp cupons for NX just to get more money.
Dear god. I hate this dungeon so much. Pandemonium is the worst dungeon ever, next to Vestibule of Darkness.
Anyways, level 29 now, close to level 30. I can almost taste the sway + hammer at this point.
Righteous and Tsu are close to being lvl 40, I'm lvl 32 atm
Just made a new mage, going to make her a Summoner.

Name is Sayouri
catfish wrote...
Just made a new mage, going to make her a Summoner.

Name is Sayouri

Good luck, keep partying up it's the safest way to lvl up with mages since their defense is low.
Lvl. 22 now.
Does anyone know how asura's get the glowing rings around them? I can't figure out which skill that is...
illumi wrote...
Lvl. 22 now.
Does anyone know how asura's get the glowing rings around them? I can't figure out which skill that is...

Its the skill Wave Manifestation Brand.
Oh hey Jinsei, when you talked to me I was busy with a quest. What did you want to talk to me about?
Jonoe wrote...
Oh hey Jinsei, when you talked to me I was busy with a quest. What did you want to talk to me about?

Oh, I was just going to give you some items that you might want. I'll just mail it to you instead. If you don't want it, you can give it to other Fakku's members that are playing the game.
Holy crap vestibule makes me rage.

Trying to do it solo with a witch is sooooooooooooooooo hard.

Names Boonaloopa, send me a FR if you feel like helping out.
catfish wrote...
Holy crap vestibule makes me rage.

Trying to do it solo with a witch is sooooooooooooooooo hard.

Names Boonaloopa, send me a FR if you feel like helping out.

What level are you? I play usually from 6pm - 10pm EST
Lvl 22 Asura
I'm at the point of vestibule too, how come you never party? I constantly party.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Finally lvl 24 blademaster.... man, I really wish I can play in the NA version... I only play with Skyler in the Taiwan server...

his spitfire is level 30... >_>
I have episode quest 1-7 and 9, but I don't have 8. Does anyone know how to get episode 8?
illumi wrote...
catfish wrote...
Holy crap vestibule makes me rage.

Trying to do it solo with a witch is sooooooooooooooooo hard.

Names Boonaloopa, send me a FR if you feel like helping out.

What level are you? I play usually from 6pm - 10pm EST
Lvl 22 Asura
I'm at the point of vestibule too, how come you never party? I constantly party.

I try to party when I can but my internet is terrible and out of everyone Ive tried playing with, only 4 people have ever actually been able to stay in my games without extreme lag
Zeriam wrote...
I have episode quest 1-7 and 9, but I don't have 8. Does anyone know how to get episode 8?

I think you have to finish the other epic quest first, 1-7.

Example: If you got epic quest 7 from Kiri (the gunner teacher) you have to finish that one before you get 8. I think the same person can't give you two different epic quest at the same time. Well, just try to finish the other quest if you can and see what happens.
Monster Girl
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