Harmonian wrote...
KLoWn wrote...
Harmonian wrote...
I think L4D 2 looks like a joke.
It looks as if they've downgraded the graphics first off. Stereotypical black (one big Fat Albert character) family wielding chainsaws. It looks like a joke. This is what it LOOKS like. Seeing as how nothing has really been released about the game this is just a first impression. I'm praying this isn't at all what the final product will be like. (That tank looked retarded)
A) 3 Black people and all of a sudden it's a black family? (I think the guy with the hat might actually be Hispanic, didn't get a good look at him.) the fat black guy I'm HAPPY about, because look at America's obesity rate, some of the zombie apocalypse survivors WILL be fat, believe it or not. Adds humorous realism, think of the fat jokes when he gets stuck hanging off a ledge.
B) That might not have been a tank, they've revealed a new zombie type called the charger that supposedly acts like a weaker tank for crashing into players that try to hole up in tight spots.
C) It's SUPPOSED to be funny, c'mon. :)